EDA ArchitectsSpecial thanks to EDA Architects for their ongoing support of the Museum's projects and programs


Squatters Pub BreweryWebsite updates are made possible with support from Squatters Pub Brewery.


SLCC film students contribute their stories in and about the Museum

Watch it on YouTube

The Museum's Broadway Wing
looks forward to welcoming
the Sundance Film Festival
again next year!

Sundance took place in the Museum,
and the street lit up for 10 full days

With our new Sundance plakats up and down the street, made possible with support from SLC Corporation and EDA Architects, museum visitors got a preview of things to come — see a slideshow here.

"Along the Way" on Broadway

Cause Collective

The work of the Oakland-based artists collaborative known as ©ause Collective was projected nightly during Sundance. If you missed it on the wall, catch it here and see how engaging the moment as we move through our cities can engage our senses and sensibilities day-by-day, along the way.

Permanent Collection

Temporary Street Collection

Treasures of the broadway wing

The Museum's Temporary Street Collection is an assemblage of authentic elements found as we observe, listen, taste, touch and breathe in the life of the city. Sometimes a passing voice, sometimes the historic artifact or remarkable personality, all that occurs within the museum can be collected as memory, or as muse.

Toronto's Poet Laureate and Curator of the City, Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, describes our collection well when he says:

"A true civic museum is an archive of what a city loves and has loved. The municipal task is to awaken citizens to similar things to love, not similar things to agree on."

"The problem is how to restore intimacy, curiosity, trust, and play into the happenstance encounter of citizens, in an era when the happenstance and the unpredictable are a threat."

If you have discovered a treasure within the museum and would like to propose it for inclusion, please send a photo and/or description to us at proposal@museumofchange.org and our Curators will consider it respectfully.

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  • Mata Haridescription
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  • Squatter's Pub Brewerydescription
  • Entropy, Patina and Timedescription